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The following excerpt shows the general recommendations to use a product optimally.

General Recommendations

Identification Document Photo

To use the THE PRODUCT correctly, it is important to know that the photograph of the identification document must fulfill a few conditions. Bear in mind the following advice when taking said photograph:

  • The photograph of the identification document must be perfectly horizontal, parallel to the camera lens. Any sort of rotation may have a negative impact on the reading of certain elements on the ID, like the PDF417 and MRZ codes.
  • The photograph of the identification document must not have any sort of flash or reflection. If this condition is not met, the accuracy of the processed data will be affected.
  • It is recommended to take the photograph of the document in a well-lighted location. Any sort of shadow over the document may affect negatively the accuracy of the processed data.

End User Photo (selfie)

To use PRODUCT correctly, it is important to know that the photograph of the end user (selfie) must fulfill a few conditions. Bear in mind the following advice when taking said photograph:

  • Much like the photograph of the identification document, the selfie cannot be rotated or skewed. If this condition is not met, the DetectID Onboarding Image Processor will not be able to process it

  • The user must be facing forward, towards the camera lens. The user must not be wearing any kind of external element or accessory, like, glasses, headphones/earphones, scarves, or any other object that may interfere with the validation process.

  • It is recommended to conduct the image capture in a place with diffuse warm light. These are the ideal lighting conditions.

  • It is necessary to avoid projecting any sort of shadow over the users face during the image capture process.

  • Only the user must be in the forefront of the photograph.

Image Transfer Parameters

The following are the recommended parameters of the files that are going to be sent through the services of THE PRODUCT. Configure these values accordingly to ensure the proper functioning of the product.

Note: Bear in mind that the dimensions and quality of the transferred files have an inverse relation with response times. It is necessary to find an adequate balance between image quality and response times, according to THE CUSTOMER's use case.

Identity validation

Recommended Value
Additional Comments
Optimal dimensions 820x615p and 1280x960p for PDF417 none
Accepted dimensions 820x615p to 3120x2340p none
Aspect ratio 4:3 none
Quality >=85% This parameter is very important when it comes to JPEG and other image compression file types. This parameter controls the balance between different characteristics that manage quality and compression. The lower the quality value, the higher the compression will be. The result would be a very compressed image that will be very light and low-quality, possibly, with a large number of artifacts. This is the minimum recommended value
Optimal file size 470kb none
Accepted file size 470kb - 10MB none
Compression file type gzip THE PRODUCT features the possibility of sending the information required for validation in a compressed format to optimize data transference during validation processes. If the information sent in the body of the startup request is compressed, the following string must be added to the header of the request:
"Content-Encoding": "gzip"